How to Navigate the Path of the Unrepresented Buyer
What is a Buyer's Representation Agreement and Why You Need a Buyer's Agent
The Revised RPA-the Changes You Need to Know!
Landlord Guidelines Regarding the Security Deposit Refund Process
Additional Requirements to California's Tenant Protection Act
Security Deposit Law Changes on July 1, 2024!
Evictions during COVID
Nationwide Protests and Demand for Institutional Reforms
Changes to California Landlord-Tenant Laws
Being a Court Appointed Referee
2017 Real Estate Market Forecast
Deficiency Judgments in California
Partition of Real Estate in California
Foreclosure: Judicial vs. Nonjudicial
Thank You Michigan Alumni Association!
A Much Needed Legal Self Help Book
Benefits of Filing An Interpleader Lawsuit
Stack The Legal Odds In Your Favor Now Published
Security Deposit Basics
New Legislation Introduced to Protect Dual Nationals From Visa Waiver Restrictions
House Passes Visa Waiver Bill To Tighten Travel Restrictions
What Is A Seller Obligated To Disclose?
How The New Disclosure Forms Will Affect Real Estate Transactions
Sara Naheedy Appointed To IABA's Board of Directors